> Ballantyne's Blog: August 2015

Friday, 28 August 2015

SIFF Fall 2015 soon!

Only about two weeks until the Sims International Film Festival begins on the 15th September 2015!

I'm not participating, but I'm looking forward to watching the submissions - there are a HUGE amount of films this season!

I will be watching all Masters, Films, Music videos and MEP's and will be posting a list of my favourites a couple of weeks later. However, I will not be viewing series unless a few happen to fall into the Master category.

Gonna be honest here , and I have stated this before, but I'm not really a fan of Sim's series - there are very few I like.  While I respect the dedication that goes behind them, Sim Series just aren't my thing when it comes to SIFF.

(But still looking forward to SIFF overall)

- Ballantyne

Friday, 21 August 2015

Source Filmaker tutorial vid

Finally finished the tutorial video :P

For comparison, here is Valve's much more polished one:

I didn't add the film grain & colour correction to mine, as I wanted it more colourful.


Friday, 7 August 2015