> Ballantyne's Blog: SIFF Spring Unlikely

Saturday, 8 February 2014

SIFF Spring Unlikely

Not sure if I'll be able to get a SIFF film done now.  I had about three different ideas, and was starting to roll with an exciting sci-fi one, then I realised it was too similar to another machinima I had seen previously, so I figured it was safer to scrap it :P

Second idea was kinda cliché (about some guy that got in a fight with some other guys that landed him in the hospital) and the fight scenes would've been difficult to animate >_<

Third idea was straight-up trippy, "weird shit", which I kinda liked, but not sure if anyone else would :3

Ah.... I might take a break from all things Sims I think. Just for a week. Maybe that'll refresh things for me.

Maybe  >_>

(/ end mini-ramble).


  1. Lol. Ok. I love that sim with the antlers. That's just awesome. But by all means take a break! I think everyone needs a break now and then to recharge.
    Also, that money accessory you were using (that was so funny) is that up for download anywhere? I kinda think I've got a use for that in story coming up and I'd love to have it.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Sunshyne :) Always lovely to read your comments!

      Yes, definitely gonna do a 7-day sims ban, I think, lol.

      I wasn't planning to upload the money accessory publicly (as I'd need permission), but I could e-mail it to you for personal use.
      It will be "as-is" and there is an issue with the texture looking a little muddy. But if you don't mind that, you can have it.

      BTW, here is the original money-object that I converted, in case you want to use it as a decorative object. In my vid, I used it on the floor, and also on the table (with a lot of OMSP's). http://jennisimsunanuevaexperiencia.blogspot.com.br/2012/10/downloadssims3-without_21.html

    2. er... sorry for the weird formatting on that last reply, not sure what happened there :/

  2. Nah. Muddy's fine. I just need money changing hands to give my heir some ideas. Ha! But as an object, Yes! I'll take it! And as an accessory, Yes! I'll take it! lol Thank you!
