> Ballantyne's Blog: Greenscreen tests

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Greenscreen tests

Some green-screen tests of car interiors.
Unfortunately, I'm not great at green-screen and I just used iMovie to blend it together.
It looks a bit fake to my eye, but I don't think I can do much about it. *shrugs* Oh well.


  1. Nice. I didn't think it looked too bad at all! Especially at 24fps. I'll peek again when I get on my pc so it'll be larger. Though, have you thought about putting a grey gel over your background so it feels more like looking through glass? Figuratively, obviously. Lol

    1. Thank-you for the feedback! It's good to get a second opinion on it. Grey-gel background sounds like a good idea. (Annoyingly, the glass in the car disappears for some reason when the camera is inside). I'll do more tests and see how it looks.

  2. Looks good! It doesn't look fake to me.

    1. Thanks! :) hmm, maybe I'm being over-critical. lol
