> Ballantyne's Blog: Door Animation test

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Door Animation test


Took quite some time to get this to work, but I'm happy with the result.

Hint: The door is an accessory ;)


  1. O.O How'd you do that? OMG, How'd you do that? Whaaaa... how'd you do that? What joint is that connected to? On the sim I mean? Whoa.

  2. It's two sims! :D The main sim-actor opens door, and the second sim acts as the "door hinge". Then I sync-up the two animations.

    The "door-hinge" sim has the door attached to a bone in the pinky finger (which acts as a hinge) then I stretch-out the rest of the finger, and use the moveobjects cheat to put the sim in the wall, out of sight. If that makes sense. It's a pretty wacky set-up, but it works XD

    The only tricky part is getting the animations to sync-up. Sometimes they go out-of-sync over time. I still need to do more tests on it.
